Save Kids Lives NOW
Did you know suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death of 10-14 year olds in the US?
JOIN Hayden’s Corner and campaign to save a child’s life.

Hayden’s Corner has been established to address
2 critical issues.
● Bring together public and private partners to pass legislation to federally mandate that resilience classes are core curriculum for K-12 Schools nationally, to include learning content focused on the social and emotional development of our youth.
● Create a PSA (Public Service Announcement) campaign aimed at educating both kids and parents on responsible gaming and oversight from the parents and the gaming corporations.
The world lost Hayden Hunstable to suicide in the middle of the mandated stay-at-home orders on April 17th, just 4 days before his 13th birthday. Hayden did not struggle with depression nor did he have a history of mental health problems. He was a normal healthy and happy kid who was unprepared for social isolation. His parents attribute Hayden’s emotional suffering to a “perfect storm of routine disruption, social isolation, increased gaming, and a pressure stack of activity cancellations,” all created by the government’s mandated stay-at-home orders in the wake of the COVID-19 global pandemic.
Hayden’s dad, Brad Hunstable, posted a heartbreaking video two days after burying his son and spoke of an “emotional bubble” that he believed was about to burst in America. His video hit home with parents all over the world, immediately going viral, and amassed more than 110 million views with countless comments.
On May 28th, the Hunstables released the Trailer to an upcoming documentary that will be released. The trailer can be viewed by clicking play on the video below. WARNING: The subject matter can cause emotional distress and it is advised that parental guidance and awareness of those that may be affected by emotional content.
Almost Thirteen – The Story of Hayden Hunstable
with a life token
Buy your Hayden’s Corner Bracelet from Life Token and a portion of the proceeds will go to our mission!

Hayden was a loving brother, son, and grandson. His smile was infectious and his heart was gold. Hayden knew no strangers, had a deep passion for sports, loved fishing and the outdoors, and enjoyed playing Xbox with his friends. He was constantly curious about history and life mysteries and his crocodile hunter impression would make you cry laughing every time. He was deeply loyal to his family, his friends, and his tribe.
We love you bubba.